2021, Doctor of Business Administration, Universiti Utara Malaysia
2003, Master of Business Administration, Universiti Utara Malaysia
1999, Bachelor of Accounting (Hons), Universiti Utara Malaysia
- Corporate Governance
- Accounting, Finance, Taxation and Auditing
- Gender in Organization
- Integrated Reporting
- Merger & Acquisition
- Revenue & Costing Modelling
- Feasibility Analysis & Dynamic Planning
Assoc. Prof. Dr Rima Melini Md Tamin is currently attached with University Utara Malaysia as an Associate Professor in Accounting, Finance & Governance Risk Compliance. She is previously a Chief Financial Officer, Senior Financial Controller, General Manager of Finance & Taxation and Billing & Recovery Head in main listed companies in Malaysia, ranging from vast industries such as utility, development, plantation, manufacturing, automotive, transportation, construction, investment, services, retail and distribution. She has been in the industry for 25 years. She had also experienced in leading the manufacturing operations in Australia and Pakistan for 5 years and successfully developed the IS0 9001 and 9002 on the quality assurances in rice industry for Pakistan, China and Thailand in 2003 to 2006.
As she brings the wealth of senior leadership role in accounting and finance field, Dr Rima Melini is elected as the Chartered Accountant of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA), ASEAN Federation of Accountants and Australian Certified Professional Accountants (CPA Australia) with effect from 2003 until present to strengthen the profession's advocacy on accounting, finance, governance and sustainability agenda among others. Presently, Dr Rima Melini is also a certified and accredited corporate trainer for local and international companies for Malaysia, South East Asia, Asia Pacific, Europe and the Middle East.
- Md-Tamin, R. M. and Wan-Hussin, W. N. (2020). Improving the Effectiveness of Audit Committees in Malaysian Public Listed Companies, Accountants Today, Malaysian Institute of Accountants, 35–41
- Md-Tamin, R. M. (2021). Impact of Women on Board and Women CFO Towards Pay Practices in Listed Companies in Malaysia, Malaysian Thesis Online.
- Md-Tamin, R. M. (2023). Role of Trainers in Transmitting Industry Practical Knowledge, ISSFPT 2023, Corporation PENSER, South America, 27-55.